Tag Archives: Donald Trump

For the Repugnifascists, Latino is the new Jew (and Civil War 2.0? Bring it!)

San Antonio Express-News photo

Treasonous Repugnifascist Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sure loves himself some razor wire, just as the Nazis loved their barbed wire. And Abbott and his ilk call themselves “Christians,” because Jesus Christ wouldn’t shut the fuck up about the use of barbed wire as a good thing, and he’d have loved the development of razor wire.

Just as the unelected* George W. Bush regime in the 2004 presidential cycle fascistically used ignorant, hateful opposition to same-sex marriage for political gain — and we know how history bore the Repugnifascists out on that issue — Pussygrabber and those who want to reconstitute the unelected* Pussygrabber regime again have hit upon the hateful, ignorant, racist opposition to the immigration of brown-skinned people from south of the border for the 2024 presidential cycle for political gain.

(As “president” the unelected Pussygrabber had four years to work on immigration, but he didn’t do so because that then would have eliminated his very politically convenient scapegoats.)

The Repugnifascists, like their Nazi forebears, must have some group to scapegoat, and so Latino is the new Jew.

Indeed, as the Repugnifascists do nothing to benefit the American people — the Repugnifascist-controlled House of Representatives has been a historically do-nothing House — they must instead try to distract them with hatred and fear.

In a way, it’s heartening, though, to know that, besides its many anti-democratic, treasonous attempts at voter suppression, the Repugnican Party now can rely only on the ignorance, the gullibility and the hatreds of the backasswards, chromosomally deficient members of the electorate to have any electoral success at all.

Truth and morality aren’t on their side, and look at the quality of the people attracted to Pussygrabberianism. These mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers — as we saw on January 6, 2021 — are not going to pull off the little Civil War 2.0 that they claim they want. They are way too fucking stupid — but nonetheless, they can fuck around and find out.

While the Repugnifascists can slow down progress — the backasswards pieces of shit have done so for decades — they cannot stop it altogether. (Look at same-sex marriage, for example.)

And just lying that you actually won the elections that you lost, as Pussygrabber and his Mini-Me Scary Lake have done, is not a long-term strategy for political success, but, besides its scapegoating, it’s pretty much all that the Repugnifascist Party has left.

The Repugnifascists will find that they cannot indefinitely do nothing to benefit the American people and try to cover up for that fact by demonizing already-shit-upon groups of people — and, again, they’re going to find that lying that they actually won the elections that they lost is not going to be a winning political strategy for the future.

(Indeed, it hasn’t even been a winning strategy thus far; neither Nazi Pussygrabber nor she-Nazi Scary Lake got the offices that they lied that they’d won.)

All of this bullshit has a limited shelf life, as I believe the treasonous Repugnifascists are going to find out in November and thereafter.

And as far as another civil war goes, I fucking look forward to a Civil War II. This time, we actually patriotic Americans need to polish the anti-democratic, fascist traitors off. (We can blow the incredibly evil, treasonous state of Texas off of the fucking map for all that I care.)

We were way too merciful to the traitors the first time. It was a huge fucking mistake to allow them to continue to exist to continue to drag our nation down to this day. We should have fucking annihilated them when we had the chance. But maybe we’ll get another one.

*George W. Bush lost the popular vote in 2000 and Pussygrabber lost the popular vote in 2016. Neither was elected by an actual majority of the American voters, so both of them forever have been illegitimate “presidents” in my eyes. (And you can’t have a legitimate “re”-“election” if your first “election” was illegitimate.)

The anti-democratic Electoral College, in which the winner of the most votes can lose the White House, sorely needs to be abolished. If we want to call ourselves a democracy, then only individual voters — not land area — should determine our elections.

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Rice-A-RONi gets a parting gift

Chickenshit Ron “Never Back Down” DeFascist, on the heels of his recent participation trophy, received a parting gift of Rice-A-RONi after he dropped out of the Repugnican “presidential” race today, cowardly endorsing Pussygrabber on his way out. DeFuckface ended the race as he began it: not willing to substantively take on Pussygrabber, which (in addition to his vile personality) only ensured his loss.

I was a little surprised to see today’s breaking news of Ron DeFascist’s exit from the 2024 Repugnican “presidential” race, but then I realized that he probably was just trying to avoid the embarrassment of coming in third in New Hampshire on Tuesday. (Fivethirtyeight.com right now puts the polling averages for the New Hampshire primary at 48.9 percent for Pussygrabber, 34.2 percent for Nimbra Haley and 5.2 percent for DeFuckface.)

What did DeSadist in?

Well, back in May, I opined:

What would tank DeFascist is his personality, which the majority of the voters intuitively are seeing, no matter how much DeFascist play-acts like he’s an actual human being and not just a meat puppet that an extraterrestrial enemy has commandeered for evil intent (can we rule that out, though?).

And I noted back then that “as long as Pussygrabber is not incapacitated and is not yet a convicted felon, DeFascist’s chances of winning the nomination are not good.”

To be clear, I always have viewed DeFascist as the most dangerous of the Repugnican presidential wannabes, because he has a soulless, reptilian, sociopathic demeanor.

While Pussygrabber always only ever has and only ever will be all about himself — a rank baby-boomer narcissist (redundant) — DeSadist is a true sociopath, who very apparently takes true pleasure in inflicting wholly unnecessary and uncalled-for pain and suffering on others.

And unlike Pussygrabber, who flits from one thing to another like a gnat on crack, I can see DeFuckface being methodical, like the fascists of yore, in carrying out his plans to bring pain and suffering on those he dislikes, which is everyone who doesn’t like him, and that’s at least about half of the nation. (Fivethirtyeight.com’s latest average favorability rating for DeFuckface among all Americans is only 31.7 percent favorable and 46.7 percent unfavorable, putting him under water by 15.1 percentage points.)

It’s possible that DeFuckface had figured that he couldn’t beat Pussygrabber in 2024, but that by running in the 2024 cycle he’d at least then set himself up for another run in 2028, but I don’t see what’s going to change between now and 2028 for DeFascist to do any better four years from now.

DeSadist introduced himself to the American voters, and they don’t fucking like him. In two words, what did him in was his personality. As fake as he was, trying to be likable, his nonverbal communication spoke the truth about his core, and even the dullest of Americans have caught that truth, at least subconsciously.

In the meantime, Pussygrabber is not, in my book, doing as well as he should be for someone supposedly so fucking beloved by the Repugnican Party.

Pussygrabber got only 51 percent of the votes in the Repugnican Iowa caucuses, which would be great for someone who’s never run for president before, but this piece of shit was “president” already — yet only about half of Iowa’s Repugnican electorate voted for his sorry, old orange ass earlier this month.

And, again, fivethirtyeight.com’s polling averages for the New Hampshire primary right now have Pussygrabber at 48.9 percent, Haley at 34.2 percent and DeFuckface at 5.2 percent (which is, again, why I think he dropped out today).

I expect Pussygrabber to win New Hampshire — I don’t see that Haley has enough time to overcome the gap between her and Pussygrabber in New Hampshire (even if she got all of DeSadist’s supporters, whom DeFuckface the cuck has told to support Pussygrabber, that wouldn’t be enough, from what I can tell) — but, again, I expect Pussygrabber to win only about half of New Hampshire’s primary voters on Tuesday.

For all of the blather about what a strong candidate Pussygrabber is, I just don’t see getting only about half of the vote in Iowa and New Hampshire — when Pussygrabber already has been “president” — as a sign that Pussygrabber is a strong candidate.

Indeed, I think that Nimrada Haley has a much better chance of beating Sleepy Joe Biden than does Pussygrabber — Haley is just another evil Repugnican (redundant) to me (she won’t say that the Civil War was fought over slavery and she supports a federal abortion ban, for starters), but I totally can see the low-information/swing voters “thinking” of Haley, as they did of Pussygrabber back in 2016, Let’s give her a chance! What could go wrong? — but this late in the game, I don’t see Pussygrabber losing the nomination to Nimbra.

What I think is going to happen is that when the stark choice between Pussygrabber and Biden is made clear to the voters when they’re actually voting in the November general election — when it all becomes very real, as it’s time to actually cast that vote — enough voters will hold their noses, if they have to, and vote for Biden, the lesser of the two evils, to give Biden the win and prevent the torture of another four years of Pussygrabber perpetually on his period.

(I know that living in Nevada, a true swing state, I’ll most likely end up voting for Biden, as I don’t want to be part of having allowed a second Pussygrabber term in the White House.)

In fact, I’ll go ahead and predict what I think is the bare minimum of how well Biden will perform in his re-election:

I think that he’ll win at least 270 votes for the win, as shown by 270towin.com’s map below:

I don’t expect Biden to win as many states and electoral votes as he did in 2020, but I see him getting at least 270 electoral votes, as shown above.

I can’t see Biden winning Georgia and Arizona in 2024 as he did in 2020 (Arizona and Georgia were the two closest states in 2020), but I see him keeping the critical “blue wall” (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota). And I see my state of Nevada going either way, but even then, as long as Biden maintains the blue wall, he won’t need Nevada’s six electoral votes, as he’ll already have the necessary 270.

Whatever happens in November 2024, one thing is for sure: After this year, we’ll never have the “choice” of Biden or Pussygrabber on a presidential ballot ever again.

And I confidently predict that Ron DeFuckface never will be president.

This is at least something to look forward to…

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Maine secretary of state bravely fires second salvo in war against fascism

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows has done a favor to the United States by forcing the U.S. Supreme Court to soon demonstrate once again that when faced between choosing the plain language of the U.S. Constitution and putting a Repugnican in the White House, the corrupt, treasonous U.S. Supreme Court will choose putting the Repugnican in the White House over the plain language of the U.S. Constitution every fucking time.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution reads, in part:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The language could be clearer, but to me the key words of the amendment in the case of treasonous former “President” Pussygrabber and his attempted insurrection against the United States government of January 6, 2021, and his other felonious and treasonous attempts to remain in office after more than 7 million Americans voters had voted for Joe Biden over him in November 2020, are:

No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States … who, having previously taken an oath, as … an officer of the United States … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Jesus fuck, Pussygrabber & Co. still give aid and comfort to the mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging criminals who perpetrated J6 when they refer to them as “political prisoners” and the like.

Meanwhile, it’s pathetic and sad that so many Americans claim to love their country so fucking much but are too ignorant of the workings of their own fucking government to understand the actual implications of Colorado and Maine having declared (Colorado via its state Supreme Court and Maine via its secretary of state) that the Fourteenth Amendment makes Pussygrabber ineligible to run for president ever again.

First off, Pussygrabber could be kicked off every blue state’s 2024 ballot and it wouldn’t change the outcome of the 2024 presidential election, since he couldn’t win a blue state anyway and since the Electoral College is a winner-takes-all system in which whichever presidential candidate who gets the most votes gets all of that state’s electoral votes, with the exceptions of only Maine and Nebraska, which divvy up their electoral votes by congressional district. Under the Electoral College, whichever candidate gets 270 or more electoral votes wins the presidency. (Nebraska and Maine, by the way, together have a total of only nine electoral votes.)

Only if the presidency were determined solely by the popular vote — as should be the case in a nation that calls itself a “democracy” (the antiquated, anti-democratic Electoral College, which put the loser of the popular vote into the White House in 2000 and in 2016, sorely needs to be abolished) — could it harm Pussygrabber to be removed from a blue state’s presidential ballot.

But moreover, no state’s Supreme Court or secretary of state is the last word on whether Pussygrabber may appear on that state’s ballot. Of course this will go to the United States Supreme Court, where the “justices,” one third of them imposed on us by Pussygrabber even though then-President Barack Obama treasonously was denied by traitor Yertle McConnell an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court in his last year in office, will have to pause corruptly taking expensive gifts and perks from their far-right-wing sugar daddies long enough to have to actually decide if the plain language of the U.S. Constitution actually means what it plainly says it means.

And, of course, I expect the U.S. Supreme Court’s “originalists” and “strict constructionists” to rule that of course the Fourteenth Amendment doesn’t mean what it plainly says when it comes to whether or not an insurrectionist, treasonous Repugnican presidential candidate may remain on the ballot.

This is why the corrupt, treasonous U.S. Supreme Court’s approval rating is at 36.4 percent, with 53.7 percent of Americans disapproving of it. With an approval rating that low, the current court’s long-term composition just might be in jeopardy (it should be in jeopardy, anyway; no corrupt, anti-democratic court should be allowed to continue to erode a democracy, as that is treason).

Still, just because we have a dysfunctional, treasonous U.S. Supreme Court that is bought and paid for right-wing interests and that never can be depended upon to actually uphold the U.S. Constitution and support democracy doesn’t mean that the rest of us can’t call shit like it is, such as Colorado and Maine have done.

I think it’s great that the U.S. Supreme Court now has to actually fucking do its basic fucking job of interpreting the plain fucking language of the U.S. Constitution.

I fully expect the Repugnican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court to rule in Pussygrabber’s favor on whether the Fourteenth Amendment against insurrectionists being allowed to hold any state or federal office pertains to him — and to thus hasten the end of this illegitimate court’s rule.

If our democracy survives, we will have to thank true patriots like Shenna Bellows and the justices of the Colorado Supreme Court who ruled correctly on whether the Fourteenth Amendment — you know, the rule of law — applies to would-be fascist dictator Pussygrabber.

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Kevin McCarthy probably welcomed the House Repugnicans’ coup de grâce 

Repugnican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was booted from his leadership position today by a vote of 216 to 210, with no House Democrat voting to keep him.

The Repugnican Party keeps on making history.

Not only is former “President” Pussygrabber the first former “president” ever to be indicted in a criminal case (he went big, as he is wont to do, and has been indicted in four different criminal cases), but today the Repugnicans in the U.S. House of Representatives made history by ejecting their own party’s speaker of the House, the first time ever in the history of the United States that a House speaker has been voted out.

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy could run for his job again but has said that he won’t.

I don’t blame him, and I have to surmise that when McCarthy recently relied on House Democrats to get a short-term funding bill passed, he either actively wanted to get the boot or was just so fed up with the rabid monkeys that comprise the Repugnican House caucus that he just gave no fucks as to whether they expelled him or not. (Further, I surmise that the recalcitrant Repugnicans in the House forced McCarthy to work with the House Democrats in order to provide themselves with an “excuse” for booting him.)

None of this is especially surprising; back in January, it took McCarthy a record 15 votes over four days to get the votes from the House Repugnicans to become speaker. It was the first time in 100 years that a new speaker was not elected on the first vote. McCarthy probably should have seen the writing on the wall and hung it up then.

As I wrote back then:

… Even if McCarthy manages to temporarily satisfy these savages with some deal to ultimately become speaker, the next two years in the House are going to be nothing but chaos and gridlock — as was entirely predictable even before the circus of the last few days.

In a nutshell: The Repugnicans cannot govern. Or won’t. Can’t and/or won’t, though, the result is the same.

I expect the Repugnicans to continue to implode over the next two years, and although I’ve never been excited over Joe Biden — I’m still a Berniecrat — if Biden runs for a second term, it’s all his, and the Democrats will take back the House come January 2025, too.

In the meantime, the Repugnicans’ meltdown, if it is protracted, as it easily could be, might spill over into other elements and functions of our nation’s governance, but first and foremost, this is a Repugnican Party problem. This is not our problem. The extinction of the Repugnican Party would be best for the nation anyway, so there is no good reason to try to prevent it.

The Repugnicans invited in the cray-cray, and now they have to deal with the cray-cray. The crazy chickens have come home to roost, and they only want to burn the henhouse down.

In a word, this is karma.

P.S. Kudos to the House Dems for not throwing McCarthy an undeserved lifeline.

While some of the biggest mouth-breathers in the House, probably especially main mutineer Florida Man Matt Gaetz, feel great about themselves right now for finally having obtained McCarthy’s scalp, this is a huge political win for the Democrats; again, it demonstrates that the Repugnicans cannot and/or will not govern, that they are an unserious lot.

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Wake me up in January 2025

Getty Images news photo

Déjà fucking vuFormer “President” Pussygrabber and future President Joe Biden debate in October 2020. We most likely will see a repeat of this you-kids-get-off-my-damn-lawn bullshit in 2024.

Fivethirtyeight.com right now says that President Joe Biden’s average approval rating is only 42.4 percent — and that former “President” Pussygrabber’s is only 38.6 percent.

Yet it’s most likely that these two will face off again for the presidency in November 2024. WTF?

It gets worse. Reports The Associated Press:

Only about half of Democrats think President Joe Biden should run again in 2024, a poll shows, but a large majority say they’d be likely to support him if he became the nominee.

The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that 26 percent of Americans overall want to see Biden run again — a slight recovery from the 22 percent who said that in January. Forty-seven percent of Democrats say they want him to run, also up slightly from only 37 percent who said that in January.

The ambivalence among Democratic voters comes as Biden is preparing to formally announce his 2024 reelection campaign as soon as [this] week, according to people briefed on the discussions. The president has been eyeing Tuesday, April 25 — four years to the day since he entered the 2020 race — although no final decisions have been made.

Despite the reluctance of many Democrats to see Biden run for another term, 78 percent of them say they approve of the job he’s doing as president. And a total of 81 percent of Democrats say they would at least probably support Biden in a general election if he is the nominee — 41 percent say they definitely would and 40 percent say they probably would.

Interviews with poll respondents suggest that the gap reflects concerns about Biden’s age, as well as a clamoring from a younger generation of Democrats who say they want leadership that reflects their demographic and their values. Biden, now 80, would be 82 on Election Day 2024 and 86 years old at the end of a second presidential term. He is the oldest president in history. …

It’s a strange time in American politics when only 47 percent of Democrats say they want the incumbent Democratic president to run for a second term — but around 81 percent of them say that if he is on the ballot in November 2024, they definitely or probably will vote for him anyway.

We, the people, have, methinks, finally given the fuck up, finally have been beaten down into full submission after having corporate-friendly “Democratic” candidates shoved down our throats by the DINO elite, from Bill Clinton in the early 1990s all the way to Joe Biden.

I’ve never supported Joe Biden — who belongs in memory care, not in the Oval Office — and I never will. Actual Democrat (that is, progressive) Bernie Sanders was screwed royally by the DINO establishment not only in 2016 but in 2020, and my memory is long.

In the 2024 Democratic presidential primary, thus far I’m supporting Marianne “Woo-Woo” Williamson.

I’m not saying that I agree with every word the woman has ever uttered and every deed she’s ever done — and I’m fully aware of how she blithely is ignored and even erased by mediocre (and often corrupt) people dutifully dismissively deeming her to be airy-fairy and seriously unserious — but her platform is closer to mine than Joe Biden’s ever was or evil will be (or even could be, given the constraints that are on corporate whores, who are most of our elected officials in our pay-to-play “democracy”).

And that’s how it’s supposed to be: You support the candidate whose platform, whose values and priorities, most closely match your own.

It never was supposed to be the case that you simply fold and accept whichever corporate whore du jour the party elite shove down your throat, as of course they know better than you ever possibly could.

So as long as she’s on my February 6, 2024, Democratic Party presidential primary ballot here in Nevada (as long as she hasn’t dropped out by then), I’ll vote for Marianne Williamson.

Realistically, the Democratic Party hacks will do everything in their power to make sure that Biden wins Nevada’s 2024 presidential primary election, but if she’s on my ballot, I’ll vote for Williamson nonetheless.

I won’t vote for Biden in the primary, in any event, even if it means voting for no one in the primary.

November 2024, however, could be dicier.

In November 2020, I lived in deep-blue California, where it was obvious that Biden would win the state and all of its electoral votes under our winner-takes-all Electoral College system.* Therefore, it was quite safe for me to vote for the Green Party presidential candidate instead of for Biden in November 2020; not at all was I helping Pussygrabber by not having voted for Biden in California, a state (and its electoral votes, more than any other state’s) that Biden always was going to win.

Now that I live in a swing state, however, come November 2024 there might be more pressure on me to vote for Biden to prevent his Repugnican opponent (I assume that it will be Pussygrabber, not the bumbling, unlikeable, socially retarded Ron DeFascist) from winning the White House.

I’ll cross that bridge if and when I get to it. I’ll examine the polling of my state closely, and if up to Election Day 2024 Biden is leading his Repugnican opponent (again, probably Pussygrabber) in the state substantially, I probably won’t vote for Biden in November 2024.**

If it’s close here in Nevada, however, and it really seems that my general-election vote might actually have an effect on preventing a second Pussygrabber “presidency,” then even I might, in the end, vote for Joe Biden.

I really hope that it doesn’t come to that; I hope that I never feel that I have to vote for Biden for the greater good.

P.S. To be clear, I expect that, as long as he still draws breath and at least can be propped up in a chair, Joe Biden will win re-election. Americans have become wholly politically unimaginative — as well as terrified of taking any political risks, which pretty much is the only thing that can explain why it would be Biden vs. Pussygrabber again in 2024.

And to be clear, yes, it is my opinion that of course a second Biden term would be preferable to any Repugnican winning the White House next year. But of course it doesn’t take much to be better than whoever the Repugnican presidential candidate is.

However, 2028 is just around the corner, and what then?

After another numbing four years under Biden, would the Repugnicans not be at an advantage in November 2028? It seems to me that by November 2028, the American electorate could be fairly starving for something new — maybe even to the point that fascism (such as that of Ron DeFascist) might look good (or at least acceptable).

*A huge amount of Americans believe that the popular vote determines the presidency — which is why they’ll stupidly tell you that if you didn’t vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, then you helped the Repugnican presidential candidate, even though under the anti-democratic Electoral College, your vote for president effectively is fucking moot in the solidly red and solidly blue states, such as California, New York and Texas.

**Biden won Nevada in November 2020 by 2.4 percentage points. I believe that Pussygrabber will/would do worse in November 2024 than he did in 2020 in all of the swing states, including Nevada (and Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — these four states were the closest four in the 2020 presidential election).

Since Pussygrabber lost the November 2020 presidential election decisively, there not only was the treasonous domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol by Pussygrabber’s brain-dead flying monkeys on January 6, 2021 — which the U.S. House of Representatives’ J6 committee reminded the nation about repeatedly over its several public hearings over several months — but Pussygrabber now faces numerous potential prosecutions.

Criminal indictments might be considered a great thing among Pussygrabber’s base of mouth-breathing knuckle draggers, but a clear majority of Americans who will vote for president in November 2024 do not want the treasonous mob boss back in the White House.

(Indeed, right now PredictIt.org has 47 cents on Biden and 33 cents on Pussygrabber in a Biden-Pussygrabber rematch. [And PredictIt.org also right now has Pussygrabber at 54 cents to Ron DeFascist at 29 cents in terms of which will be the Repugnican Party’s 2024 presidential nominee. Again, if DeFascist doesn’t totally politically self-destruct in the 2024 cycle, he might be a strong contender in 2028, especially after the voters are beyond sick and tired of Sleepy Joe Biden after eight long years.])

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Ashli Babbitt got what she deserved

She-Nazi Ashli Babbitt was shot while part of a violent mob trying to get to members of Congress in the U.S. Capitol, which they’d broken into, on January 6, 2021, because they wanted to reverse the results of the November 2020 presidential election via domestic terrorism, yes the likes of former “President” Pussygrabber and U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene maintain that Babbitt, whose removal from the gene pool was a great thing, was “murdered.”

I shouldn’t even have to fucking write these words, as it’s so glaringly fucking obvious, but in the dystopia that the treasonous Repugnican-fascists have hurtled us into since the advent of Der Führer Pussygrabber, I have to:

Ashli Babbitt was no fucking martyr. She was part of a treasonous mob of would-be overthrowers of the United States government — pissed off that their favored candidate had lost the presidential election — that had to be stopped, and her shooting death was her own fucking fault.

My thoughts on this have not changed since January 2021, when, on January 8, 2021, I wrote:

… The Karen-like supporter of “President” Pussygrabber very apparently was shot by a Capitol cop while committing federal felonies (treason/sedition and criminal trespass upon federal property, that I can think of right off of the top of my head). Far from being a “peaceful” “protester,” this woman very apparently was one of a violent mob trying to get into the House chamber — but was stopped by a cop whose job it is to protect our elected representatives (and others who are in the building legitimately and legally) against this type of terrorist threat.

See video of Karen’s justified (and rather satisfying…) shooting here.

Before you piss and moan, reflect upon the fucking fact that Karen would have been fineA-OK, had the cops shot a black person during the commission of a federal felony, but she very apparently believed that her whiteness, her right-wingedness and indeed, her Karen-ness, made her bulletproof. She was, um, dead wrong

At the time I wrote that, Babbitt’s name had not been announced, apparently, but she was, indeed, a Karen.

And since I wrote that, I found out that the cop who shot Babbitt is black — not that the race of the heroic cop matters, because it doesn’t, except that I’m sure that it has further incensed the Repugnican-fascists that one of their little would-be stormtroopers was felled by a black man; after all, it’s only supposed to be white cops killing black people.

The cop who rightfully killed Babbitt — who, again, in the end, killed herself via her incredibly stupid, seriously criminal actions — rightfully was cleared of wrongdoing; the United States Capitol Police released a statement in August 2021 declaring that:

After interviewing multiple witnesses and reviewing all the available evidence, including video and radio calls, the United States Capitol Police has completed the internal investigation into the fatal shooting of Ms. Ashli Babbitt, which occurred in the Speaker’s Lobby on January 6.

USCP’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) determined the officer’s conduct was lawful and within Department policy, which says an officer may use deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that action is in the defense of human life, including the officer’s own life, or in the defense of any person in immediate danger of serious physical injury.

The officer in this case, who is not being identified for the officer’s safety, will not be facing internal discipline.

This officer and the officer’s family have been the subject of numerous credible and specific threats for actions that were taken as part of the job of all our officers: defending the Congress, Members, staff and the democratic process.

The actions of the officer in this case potentially saved Members and staff from serious injury and possible death from a large crowd of rioters who forced their way into the U.S. Capitol and to the House Chamber where Members and staff were steps away. USCP Officers had barricaded the Speaker’s Lobby with furniture before a rioter shattered the glass door. If the doors were breached, the rioters would have immediate access to the House Chambers. The officer’s actions were consistent with the officer’s training and USCP policies and procedures.

On April 14, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia announced it would not pursue criminal charges based on insufficient evidence. The case was investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Metropolitan Police Department. The administrative investigation was launched after the criminal investigation was closed.

It indeed is case closed — except for the pro-insurrectionist traitors who still claim that Babbitt was killed unjustly.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has no redeeming qualities — she’s stupid, she’s fascist, she’s power-hungry and she’s dog-faced (that she-Nazi-like bleach-bottle blonde hair cannot save her) — for a while now has been waving the bloody shirt of Ashli Babbitt like the piece of white trash that she is, most recently in a House hearing, where the incredibly, painfully dumb cunt actually compared the death of Ashli Babbitt to that of Tyre Nichols.

Tyre Nichols, to our knowledge, never came at any cop with a weapon, or posed any serious threat to any cop, and therefore, yes, he was murdered, beaten to death, by cop — yet Greene compares Nichols’ death to the death of a white-trash woman who was part of a treasonous, felonious mob that was trying to get at members of Congress and that was perilously close to succeeding.

The cop who shot Ashli Babbitt could not have known how armed the mob was or was not, nor could he have known how hell-bent the mob was or was not on causing harm or death to its targets — members of the United States Congress, no less.

The cop was put in a difficult — indeed, in an unprecedented — position; January 6, 2021, was the first time in history that the U.S. Capitol was attacked by domestic terrorists instead of by an enemy nation, and he made the best decision that he could make in that awful moment that a mob of treasonous domestic terrorists were trying to reverse the results of a presidential election via terrorism for the first time in U.S. history.

Indeed, Greene, who clearly supports the fascist insurrectionists because she can’t suck Pussygrabber’s stubby orange dick hard enough, doesn’t belong in the U.S. House of Representatives or in any other federal office, because clearly, her fealty is not to the U.S. Constitution or to the rule of law, but only to the traitor Pussygrabber.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently was asked if he agrees with Greene that Ashli Babbitt was “murdered.”

McCarthy, even as dull as he is, responded, “I think the police officer did his job.”

Of course Pussygrabber had to chime in on his fascist Twitter wannabe “Truth Social”: “I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy… ASHLI BABBITT WAS MURDERED!!!”

Because putting that in all caps and following it with three exclamation points MAKES IT TRUE!!! (How does Pussygrabber get to act like a teenaged girl every fucking day yet still get to be considered to be “masculine,” even “manly”?)

Of course Pussygrabber wants to paint Babbitt as a “hero,” a “martyr.” Otherwise, he’d have to admit that he caused her death more than did anyone else (outside of herself, of course).

And sociopaths on crack like Pussygrabber never admit wrongdoing, no matter how obvious is their guilt.

And further, clearly, just as Greene doesn’t belong in the House because of her treasonous support for the attempted insurrection on January 6, 2021, Pussygrabber should not be allowed to run for president again. It’s clear to me that the U.S. Constitution prohibits this; the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (Section 3) reads:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

As an editorialist for The New York Times pointed out recently, it is true that “A few legal scholars have argued that Section 3 does not apply to the presidency because it does not explicitly list that position.” However, he writes, “It is hard to square that claim with the provision’s fundamental purpose, which is to prevent insurrectionists from participating in American government,” and:

… Nor is it antidemocratic to impose conditions of eligibility for public office. For instance, Article II of the Constitution puts the presidency off limits to anyone younger than 35. If we have decided that a 34-year-old is, by definition, not mature or reliable enough to hold such immense power, then surely we can decide the same about a 76-year-old who incited an insurrection in an attempt to keep that power.

So could Section 3 really be used to prevent Mr. Trump from running for or becoming president again? As a legal matter, it seems beyond doubt. The Capitol attack was an insurrection by any meaningful definition — a concerted, violent attempt to block Congress from performing its constitutionally mandated job of counting electoral votes. He engaged in that insurrection, even if he did not physically join the crowd as he promised he would. …

I surmise that the Fourteenth Amendment explicitly lists members of Congress and not the U.S. president as being barred from holding further federal office because of their support of insurrection at least in part because when the amendment was ratified way back in 1868, no one really thought that a U.S. president would or could be Public Enemy No. 1. (And, of course, in the aftermath of the Civil War, when the amendment was ratified, the main concern was about allowing former members of the Confederacy to return to the U.S. Congress.)

Former “President” Pussygrabber should be behind bars already — his acts of treason resulted in multiple deaths on and shortly after January 6, 2021 (yes, even including Ashli Babbitt’s), and no one should be above the law. If you needlessly cause multiple deaths — while committing the felony of treason, no less — you should, at the minimum, be put behind bars.

(Pussygrabber’s level of treason — he is a traitor to the entire nation — in my book merits execution. Absolutely; I mean that. While I generally oppose the death penalty, Pussygrabber should be put to death for his crimes against the nation. He does not deserve to be able to continue to draw breath when he has killed people — while committing treason against the entire nation, no less.)

Alas, given the state of actual criminal justice in the United States, Pussygrabber most likely will die from a McDonald’s-induced heart attack (perhaps after he has thrown some ketchup against the wall in anger) than by lethal injection, but minimally, Marjorie Taylor Greene should be removed from the U.S. House of Representatives for her aiding and abetting of the January 6, 2021, insurrectionists that continues to this day.

At the bare minimum, the Fourteenth Amendment was passed to protect our democracy from such traitors from the South.

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Florida Man’s anti-freedom mind-control agenda must be quashed

Associated Press news photo

“Freedom from indoctrination”? No, it’s that we’re to practice the Repugnican-fascists’ blatant indoctrination. Their backasswards, far-right-wing indoctrination is so good and true that it’s not indoctrination, you see, and every other viewpoint is “indoctrination.” (Repugnican-fascist Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a serious threat to our freedom despite claiming to be all about freedom, is pictured with his human props pushing his anti-freedom agenda in April 2022.)

Growing up in the Arizona public school system in the 1970s and 1980s, I was, indeed, indoctrinated.

Among much other bullshit, I was taught, at least indirectly if not also directly, that homosexuality is bad — sick, criminal, sinful, etc. (Mostly, it just wasn’t brought up at all — the erasure of an entire group of people is fun!)

Today, of course, we have same-sex marriage as the law of the land — and he-man Nick Offerman just very effectively played a gay man in a long-term same-sex relationship (with Murray Bartlett of the first season of “The White Lotus”) in the zombie-apocalypse TV series “The Last of Us,” a turn that no television show ever would have taken when I was growing up* — and in many if not most parts of the United States, many if not most of the homophobes who still remain among us keep their ignorant, hateful, bigoted, homophobic thoughts to themselves in polite company.

I was taught in the public school system that capitalism is perfect — Godly, even (in high school I had to take a pro-capitalist course propagandistically titled “free enterprise”) — and essentially I was taught that there is no viable alternative socioeconomic model, and that you’re crazy and/or evil for even suggesting (or even thinking) that there could be or should be (Love it or leave it, Commie!).

Seriously, though — how nice it is for the sociopathic profiteers among us to ensure that our public schools teach that our socioeconomic exploitation, in which millions of us are just wage slaves who in a nation whose beyond-ludicrous degree of income inequality grows larger and larger with each passing year are barely surviving, is the only option available to us.

This degree of mass mind control is nothing if not fucking Orwellian.

American history was taught to me in public school as an ever-progressive** march forward by overwhelmingly white people with a few minor oopsies and boo-boos along the way, but overall, God bless (white [that part always was understood if not always spoken aloud]) America, land of the free!

Conservatism, being all about keeping the stupid white man firmly entrenched in power and dominating the rest of us in perpetuity, still believes that today’s public school students should have the same experience that I did in the 1970s and 1980s. (Well, actually, I’m sure that even the public education that I received in the backasswards state of Arizona in the 1970s and 1980s is too “liberal” for them.)

It’s funny, because despite the right-wing attempt to indoctrinate me with the “right” sexual orientation, I’m nonetheless an out gay man in a long-term same-sex relationship. The years-long attempts to indoctrinate me didn’t succeed; apparently I am immune to such toxic indoctrination. (I’m an atheist, too, so “Christo”fascism, of which homophobia is part and parcel, didn’t get to me either; “God” and “Jesus” to me are on par with other mythical figures, such as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny…)

And for decades I have had deep issues with capitalism — which for the most part is just systemic, legalized thievery that so often results in injury, destruction and even death — and I would much prefer to see a hybrid socioeconomic model in which the essentials of life are not for-profit and in which OK, sure, the non-essentials, including the luxury items, can be capitalized. (And I’m a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders, of course.)

And yes, American history, as it is taught in our public school system, is, of course, whitewashed, to say the least; I seem to remember one U.S. history textbook with the maudlin title of The Pageant of American History or the like. I’m sure that Nazi Germany taught the history of Germany something like this: The nation was forged by strong, manly, God-supported white men! Get in line behind God’s soldiers or die, unGodly bitches!

So of course I oppose Repugnican-fascist Ron DeSantis’ fascist attempts to control what is and what is not taught in the public schools of Florida — in the name of “freedom from indoctrination.” (Indeed, you’re free to believe and to teach whatever you want as long as stupid, evil white man Ron DeSantis agrees with it. Freedom! Yay!)

If our public schools don’t give our students the tools they need to be well-adjusted and successful in modern life, then our schools are failing them (which, of course, they are, but that’s another blog piece…).

And teaching like it’s still the fucking 1950s is not setting up our students for success. It’s setting them up for failure as future wage slaves to our corporate overlords, believing that the socioeconomic exploitation of them is what God wants and is the only kind of life that they ever can have.

On a related note, Advanced Placement courses are high school courses for the college-bound and are voluntary, and so their curricula should be hands fucking off to opportunistic political swine like the First Amendment-hating and freedom-hating Ron DeFuckingSantis, whose attack on the Advanced Placement black American studies course induced the College Board, which created the course, to water it down.

Of course, what DeSantis would prefer is that black Americans (as well as other non-white and LGBT Americans) just be erased entirely, so I doubt that the AP’s watering down of its black American studies course will please Gov. Florida Man.

As the Advanced Placement cave-in demonstrates, DeSantis already is winning his war to control all American minds.

Obviously I agree with age-appropriate teaching; of course your average kindergartener won’t understand the nuances of human sexuality, socioeconomic systems, the good and the ugly of U.S. history (including, of course, racism and the struggle for women’s rights and for LGBT rights as well as for non-whites’ rights), debates around religion, etc.

But an Advanced Placement student should be mature enough to handle the more adult topics, and further, DeSantis is trying to limit not just what Florida’s public elementary and high schools may teach, but what Florida’s colleges and universities — which are supposed to be bastions of independent thought and free speech — may or may not teach.

Former “President” Pussygrabber, at least, is so juvenile and self-absorbed (he’s the fucking poster child for the baby boomers) that he doesn’t bother to attack our public schools and universities; he’s too busy pettily attacking his legions of enemies (and as it is with every dictator and would-be dictator, it’s very easy to get on his shit list: just refuse to ardently lick his ass) like a petulant, perpetually miffed teenaged girl, apparently unaware that the majority of the nation is way, way beyond his endless grievance bullshit and knows fully well that he lost the 2020 presidential election.

That Ron DeSantis wants to institute mind control not only in the nation’s third-most-populous state, but in the entire nation as president, makes him much more dangerous than is Pussygrabber, in my book.

DeSantis’ goal is to indoctrinate all Americans into believing that any kind of life outside of the fascist hellscape that he has in mind for all of us — with him as our Dear Leader, of course — is our only fucking option.

Thankfully, barring one of the many criminal probes into his many crimes actually taking mob boss Pussygrabber down within the next two years or so (I’m not holding my breath), I expect Pussygrabber to win the 2024 Repugnican presidential nomination.


Because too many other deluded narcissists within the Repugnican Party apparently also are going to run for the Repugnican presidential nomination for 2024 — including people who have a snowball’s chance in hell, such as Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence — and, because the Repugnicans anti-democratically award all of a state’s delegates to the Repugnican National Convention to whichever Repugnican presidential candidate garners the most votes in that state, in 2024 Pussygrabber would benefit from a crowded Repugnican presidential field, just as he did in 2016.

Could Pussygrabber win in November 2024, though?

Um, he lost the national popular vote by millions of votes not only 2020, but in 2016 as well. History, methinks, is a guide on whether or not Pussygrabber could win back the White House in 2024.

Further, Pussygrabber eked out a “win” in 2016 only because of the anti-democratic Electoral College — and he did even that well only because at that time he was largely unknown, as least as a U.S. president.

Two impeachments, the deadly January 6, 2021, insurrection that he treasonously led, and innumerable investigations into his mob-boss-level criminal activity later, the kind of “president” that Pussygrabber was and would be again no longer is an unknown; we know the treasonous asshole abundantly well.

Therefore, no, I can’t see Pussygrabber winning the presidency in 2024. (Well, maybe he could if he were running against Kamala Harris, who we’re still waiting upon to finally find her political legs, but that’s another blog piece…)

Pussygrabber and 2024 aside, Ron DeSantis must never be president of the United States of America — and so I hope that Pussygrabber beats DeSantis for the Repugnican presidential nomination, because I can’t see Pussygrabber winning (well, “winning”) the White House ever again.

I can, however, see a fascist demagogue like DeSantis, who offers cut-and-dry, “common-sense” “solutions” to our problems and who freely and giddily scapegoats others for his own political gain, winning the presidency, especially when as a president he is unknown, as Pussygrabber was in 2016.

Our freedom of thought, on which all of our other freedoms depend, depends on those of us who truly value freedom — including, ironically, freedom from (fascist) indoctrination — stopping the fascist, anti-democratic, freedom-hating DeSantis in his fucking tracks.

DeSantis is a cancer that must not be allowed to spread outside of the backasswards state of Florida. He must be contained within that fucking swamp.

*Seriously, though, the only reason I started to watch HBO’s “The Last of Us” is that it received good reviews, and I find the angle of zombification via fungal infection to be an interesting twist on a worn-out genre. (I tried to get into “The Walking Dead” several years ago but just couldn’t; I found the zombie genre to be tiresome already.)

So after two episodes of the establishment of the fungus zombies in “The Last of Us” (an aside: Can you kill them by spraying them with an anti-fungal, such as for athlete’s foot or jock itch?), I was surprised to see this “Brokeback Mountain”-like storyline plopped into the middle of the zombie action, and it actually works.

And while I had known that Nick Offerman would be in the third episode, I’d had no idea of the direction in which they took his character.

I mean, I imagine that plenty of homophobes have stopped watching the show after that third episode replete with man-on-man action, but to me, if you can drop in a gay love story in the middle of a zombie-apocalypse story and do it in a way that’s not too cheesy and actually works, then you’ve reached peak TV, in my book…

**”Progress,” you see, was white people taking over more and more of the nation under “manifest destiny.” The land’s natives had to be dispensed with and their territory taken from them, slaves from Africa had to be instrumental to profiteering, environmental destruction for the purpose of profiteering had to be done in the name of “progress,” etc., etc.

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The Repugnican-fascists are correct: Crime is a huge problem in the U.S. — only THEY are the fucking criminals

Shutterstock news photo

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tears up then-“President” Pussygrabber’s State of the Union speech after he delivered it in February 2020. A Pussygrabberian put Pelosi’s elderly husband in the hospital this morning after he broke into the Pelosis’ San Francisco home — yelling, à la the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, “Where is Nancy?” The stupid white man who attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer no doubt was influenced by the violence espoused by the Repugnican Party that is enthralled to fascist in chief Pussygrabber.

It’s unshocking that the Repugnican-fascists use the specter of crime in almost every election to spook voters.

Of course, the Repugnicans know their base: ignore the cerebrum and go right for the reptilian part of the their supporters’ meager brains.

It’s also unshocking that the only crime that the Repugnican-fascists actually care about is crime committed by non-whites, especially poorer non-whites; indeed, the “criminal” “justice” system long has served the central function of maintaining the racial socioeconomic status quo by harshly cracking down on non-whites and poor people while rich white people (such as former “President” Pussygrabber) get a fucking slap on the wrist, if that.

The Repugnican-fascists variously have lied that the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by their supporterswhich was meant to overturn the results of a presidential election that their preferred candidate had lost by more than 7 million votes, for fuck’s sake — was a peaceful demonstration, was just some tourists who got out of hand (the “a few bad apples” “argument”), and was a false-flag operation that actually was perpetrated by Antifa.

Actually, of course, the Repugnicans are A-OK with (mostly) white fascists committing violent crimes as long as it serves their political goals.

For example, you won’t hear sincere widespread Repugnican outcry over the invasion of Nancy Pelosi’s home in San Francisco early this morning by a Pussygrabber cultist who put her 82-year-old husband in the hospital with a fractured skull and other injuries.

The perpetrator of the home invasion, who attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer, was yelling, “Where is Nancy?” Just like they were yelling at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. (Nancy was in D.C., by the way, which this criminal fucktard probably should have researched beforehand.)

Not that the Repugnican Party’s years-long, unhinged vitriol against Nancy Pelosi would have had any influence on this man. No, the Repugnicans’ hands are squeaky clean, as always.

The perpetrator of the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s home and her elderly husband is 42-year-old David DePape, and he’s the usual suspect:

He’s a fucking hero to most within the Repugnican Party, rest assured.

To vote Repugnican is to continue the persecution of non-white and poor people via the “criminal” “justice” system that is set up primarily to prosecute and persecute the already powerless — and to protect the rich and powerful, even when, like former “President” Pussygrabber, they perpetrate blatant treason against the United States of America, repeatedly — and to vote Repugnican is to continue to encourage political violence perpetrated by ignorant, angry (mostly) white men who, just like the “Islamofascists,” primarily are just upset about modernity. (Don’t even get me started on “Christian” nationalism, which is just “Christo”fascism — and is just like “Islamofascism” [only the specific content of the bullshit religious beliefs is different].)

Look, I’m no huge fan of Nancy Pelosi. I’m a Berniecrat. (I’m guessing — and hoping — that after the Democrats mostly likely lose the U.S. House come January, she’ll finally retire.)

But under the grip that fascist Pussygrabber has on the Repugnican Party, we can expect political violence perpetrated by these unhinged Repugnican-fascists to continue — while the uber-hypocritical Repugnican Party claims that crime is such a problem.

It would be a huge mistake to worry about someone breaking into your home or your car while ignoring the fascists who want to violently take over the entire fucking nation and forcibly impose their fascist political beliefs and their fascist political “order” on all of us, Nazi-German style.


Your life might actually depend on it.

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How the minority seized the U.S. Supreme Court (and maybe finally sparked the next U.S. civil war)

Five of the current nine U.S. Supreme Court “justices” were chosen by two “presidents” who had lost the popular vote. If it feels to you like the current Supreme Court doesn’t represent the majority of the American people, that’s because it doesn’t: five of the “justices” were picked by “presidents” whom the American people did not actually elect and who thus were illegitimate “presidents” — and President Barack Obama treasonously and anti-democratically was denied a pick altogether.

How did we get to this point today, the day that the U.S. Supreme Court, now solidly dominated — 6-3 — by right-wing nut jobs (actually, they’re fucking fascists; “nut jobs” sounds too innocuous), ruled (5-4) that each state may decide whether or not a woman may obtain an abortion after it was decided in 1973 by Roe vs. Wade that no state may entirely prohibit abortion?

How did the anti-choice minority view — about two-thirds of all Americans support Roe vs. Wade — prevail in this fight for a woman’s basic right to choose what goes on inside of her own fucking uterus?

Let’s go back to the “election” of George W. Bush as president in 2000.

The official popular vote count for the presidential election of 2000 was 50,456,002 votes for Repugnican Bush and 50,999,897 for Democrat Al Gore.

Gore won the popular vote by 543,895 votes, yet, because of the Electoral Collegeand because of the infamous intervention of the U.S Supreme Court in the determination of a presidential election outcome — Bush, the minority’s chosen candidate, nonetheless became “president.” The pick of the majority of the American voters simply did not matter.

On September 29, 2005, “President” Bush’s first pick to the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

You might argue that yes, Bush “won” “re”-election in 2004 — the official popular vote count for that presidential election was 62,040,610 to 59,028,444 in Bush’s favor, a difference of 3,012,166 votes this time.

However, I’d argue that obviously had Bush not been installed as president when he’d lost the popular vote of 2000, of course he never could have been “re”-elected in 2004. Because Bush’s first presidential term was illegitimate — because he had lost the popular vote — I never accepted his second term as legitimate either, because his second term depended on the fruit of the poisonous tree from 2000.

Bush went on to get another right-wing U.S. Supreme Court “justice” confirmed — Samuel Alito, who authored today’s official decision to kill Roe vs. Wade — on January 3, 2006.

Fast forward to the next presidential election in which the loser of the popular vote still became “president”: In 2016, the official popular vote count was 65,853,514 for Democrat Billary Clinton to only 62,984,828 for Repugnican Pussygrabber; Pussygrabber lost even more bigly than did George W. Bush in 2000: he lost by 2,868,686 popular votes.

Yet the illegitimate “President” Pussygrabber would go on to nominate three U.S. Supreme Court justices in just his one (and what must be his only) term.

Former President Barack Obama, who won the popular vote in 2008 and in 2012, put only two justices (Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan) on the Supreme Court during his two terms — and infamously and treasonously was denied a third pick to the nation’s highest court when then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell treasonously and anti-democratically refused to allow the Senate to recognize any nomination to the Supreme Court by Obama in the wake of the overdue death of fascist “Justice” Antonin Scalia on February 13, 2016 — even though Obama had had almost a full year of his presidency left.

So “President” Pussygrabber’s first pick for the U.S. Supreme Court — Neil Gorsuch, who was confirmed on April 7, 2017clearly had been stolen from Obama.

The unelected-by-the-majority-of-the-American-people Pussygrabber would go on to make two more right-wing-nut-job/fascist picks to the U.S. Supreme Court: Brett Kavanaugh, who was confirmed on October 6, 2018, and Amy Coney Barrett, who was confirmed on October 26, 2020, even though the Repugnicans had told us that Obama couldn’t have a nomination to the Supreme Court so “close” to a presidential election (Barrett was confirmed only about a week [eight days] before the 2020 presidential election, while, again, Obama was denied a pick to the court with almost a full year of his second term remaining).

So under the Repugnicans’ own fucking argumentation in regards to the “required” timing for Scalia’s replacement on the court, Amy Coney Barrett clearly is illegitimate, and, of course, before her, Gorsuch illegitimately was put on the nation’s high court, because that pick clearly had belonged to then-President Obama.

But, even all of this aside, if we believe that only the majority of the American voters should pick the U.S. president, who then should be able to make nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court, then George W. Bush’s picks for the Supreme Court — Roberts and Alito — are illegitimate, since Bush never legitimately became president in the first fucking place. And ditto, of course, for the illegitimate Pussygrabber’s picks to the court, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett.

That’s five current U.S. Supreme Court “justices” who were nominated by “presidents” who had lost the popular vote. That’s five illegitimate Supreme Court “justices” — four of whom voted to kill Roe vs. Wade.

(Roberts did not vote to kill Roe, but of course Clarence Thomas did, because he is Clarence Thomas, who I always believed committed sexual harassment and thus never belonged on the U.S. Supreme Court in the first fucking place; I always have believed Anita Hill. [And, of course, Thomas’ baby-boomer cow of a wife’s meddling in the 2020 presidential election, which should land her behind bars along with the dozens of other traitors who illegally and treasonously tried to overthrow the 2020 presidential election results, alone makes Thomas an illegitimate Supreme Court “justice” — and a prime candidate for impeachment and removal. Thomas bemoans that the American people don’t trust “our” institutions anymore, but look what the hypocritical piece of dog shit Thomas has done: he probably committed pre-disqualifying sexual harassment, he apparently has allowed his wife to try to change the outcome of a presidential election, and he helped to kill Roe vs. Wade — and now he wants to deprive Americans of even the right to use contraception and to have sex with or marry a member of their same sex, although, of course, he’ll keep the right to have a mixed-race marriage intact, not because it’s the right thing to do, but because, being the typical baby-boomer asshole [redundant] that he is, he wants to retain his own rights while cavalierly destroying others’ rights.])

So that’s how we got to where we are today in the United States of America: the tyranny of the minority over the majority. Even though the clear majority of Americans support Roe vs. Wade, which had been settled law for almost five decades, the minority once again has acted against the majority.

Again, the American people had spoken: In 2000 and in 2016, the majorities of them — of us — voted for the Democratic candidate for president. Instead, because of the anti-democratic, obsolete Electoral College, the minority prevailed, and imposed on the American people were two Repugnican “presidents” for whom the majority of us did not vote, and these two fascist “presidents” put five fascists on the U.S. Supreme Court.

This, along with the blatant, bad-faith theft of President Obama’s third pick to the Supreme Court, is how the minority took over the Supreme Court — by 6-3, no less.

While I’d never rule out violent revolution by the majority against the tyrannical minority — if the minority dares to treasonously and anti-democratically tyrannize the majority, the tyrannical minority deserves whatever the fuck it gets — there are some ways that we, the majority of the American people, can take our nation back from the minority, even within our corrupt system of so-called “democracy,” including:

  • We need to abolish the Electoral College. The popular vote alone should decide who gets to sit in the Oval Office inside of the White House. It’s supposed to be one person, one vote, but the Electoral College gives the minority in the red states significantly more say in the presidency than their actual population does. This blatantly anti-democratic bullshit must stop.
  • We need to get enough U.S. senators to abolish the filibuster so that the U.S. Senate can enlarge — yes, pack, if you will — the U.S. Supreme Court. The number of justices on the Supreme Court is set by the U.S. Congress, not by the U.S. Constitution, so if the Democrats were in control of the U.S. House of Representatives and were in control of the U.S. Senate (and eliminated the filibuster, if necessary, which they could do on a simple majority vote, as the filibuster of course also isn’t in the U.S. Constitution, but is an obsolete, anti-democratic Senate rule, much like the Electoral College is obsolete and anti-democratic), they could add as many Supreme Court seats as they pleased (again, the Constitution fully allows this). After how the Repugnicans brazenly stole seats on the nation’s highest court, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. A situation in which only one side of the divide plays by any rules or norms at all is not tenable.
  • We need to radically reform the U.S. Senate, and this would be significantly more difficult than abolishing the Electoral College or finally killing the filibuster or expanding/packing the U.S. Supreme Court. The fact that no matter how tiny its population is each state gets two U.S. senators — while no matter how huge its population is, each states gets only two U.S. senators — clearly is anti-democratic. An analysis by Vox’s Ian Millhiser in November 2020 found that in the current 50-50 U.S. Senate, “the Democratic half [represents] 41,549,808 more people than the Republican half.” This anti-democratic situation no longer is tenable, and off of the top of my head, I’d start with this suggestion: Change the U.S. Constitution so that each state does not get two (and only two) U.S. senators, but, instead, each state gets from one to three U.S. senators, based upon its population, much how the number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives that each state gets is determined by its population. We could keep it at 100 U.S. senators, but reapportion the number of senators based upon the states’ population (again, with one, two or three senators, based on the state’s population).* If it were necessary, I’d be OK with adding seats to the U.S. Senate (100 senators is an arbitrary number), but in any case, each state getting two senators each regardless of its population must end. Of course, the red states wouldn’t vote to change the U.S. Constitution to give them less representation in the U.S. Senate, even if their current level of representation is unfair (and it is blatantly unfair). It might be that only a civil war — a great fucking reset — could reform the U.S. Senate so that the minority doesn’t get to continue to tyrannize the majority in a so-called “democracy.”

Yes, that’s pretty much where I am: I’m OK with a second U.S. civil war at this point. The treasonous right wing has brought it on by insisting on running roughshod over the majority of us Americans who disagree with their politics and their (theo)fascist “vision” for the United States of America. We Americans don’t even get to vote for U.S. president, for fuck’s sake, not when the Electoral College simply hands the presidency to the fucking loser of the popular vote.

Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — the name of today’s dazzlingly overreaching U.S. Supreme Court decision, in which the minority yet once again has tyrannized the majority — very well might prove to have been the most proximate salvo fired in the Second American Civil War.

P.S. More to the point of the majority-illegitimate U.S. Supreme Court ruling that each state may decide whether or not a woman may control her own uterus, while I’m not a woman and so of course won’t ever need an abortion, and while I live in a state that has codified abortion rights into state law, the rolling back of anyone’s rights — perhaps especially by unelected theocrats wishing to impose their backasswards religious beliefs on the rest of us — is disturbing, and, of course, if it’s open season on others’ rights, your rights might be on the chopping block next. (And, of course, the Dobbs ruling might be just the intended first step in the theofascist-controlled U.S. Supreme Court ruling that no state may allow any abortion at all.)

I’m hoping that Dobbs inspires us, the majority, to finally take our nation back from the tyrannical minority — bloodlessly, if possible, but bloodfully, if necessary.

*Even if my plan to change the system so that each state gets one to three U.S. senators based on its population were enacted, the smallest states still would be overrepresented in the U.S. Senate based on their population, but this still would be a move in the right — that is, the actually democratic — direction.

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Gavin Newsom is looking quite safe

Lt. Gov Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, hugs his wife,Jennifer Siebel Newsom as he celebrates at an election night party after he defeated Republican opponent John Cox to become 40th governor of California Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, in Los Angeles, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

Associated Press news photo

Gavin Newsom and his wife celebrate his crushing 62-percent-to-38-percent victory in the California gubernatorial election of November 2018. This celebratory scene most likely will be repeated the night of September 14, when the majority of the state’s voters are expected to affirm that they want to keep Newsom, who still is in his first term, in office.

With the bullshit gubernatorial recall Repugnican-vanity-project do-over election just eight days away, California Gov. Gavin Newsom very much appears to not have to worry about having to pack up his office anytime soon.

The latest Public Policy Institute of California poll has Newsom keeping his job handily, with 58 percent of likely California voters saying they want to keep Newsom in his job, and only 39 percent of them saying they want to boot him.

And since vote-by-mail ballots under state law automatically were sent to more than 22 million registered voters beginning August 16, the ballot return rate of more than 5.7 million ballots thus far has been more than 2:1 Democratic:Repugnican — which is in line with the voter-registration composition of California, which is about 2:1 Democratic:Repugnican.

Obviously, Democrats are voting, are not sitting out this stupid, colossal-waste-of-taxpayers’-money election (as the pundits for a while had predicted very well might be the case), perhaps especially since they’ve all been mailed a ballot. (Repugnicans hate voting by mail only because it makes it easier for the “wrong” people to vote, of course. If you want to vote for a Democrat, at the minimum, you should have to crawl for at least a mile under razor wire among shards of glass and fire ants, you see — while being shot at by a firing squad.)

Further, according to the aforementioned PPIC poll, a higher percentage of even Repugnicans are voting to keep Newsom than the percentage of Democrats who are voting to boot him — only 7 percent of the Democrats polled by the PPIC said they’d cross over to vote to oust Newsom, whereas 17 percent of the Repugnicans said they’d cross over to vote to keep him.

(Independent/”no-party-preference” voters were almost evenly split, with 49 percent saying they’d vote to retain Newsom and 44 percent saying they’d vote to eject him, so it looks like Newsom probably will get some net help from the state’s independents, who overall lean toward the Democrats.)

While I don’t see the final, official vote tally putting Newsom at the PPIC poll’s 58 percent, which is only four percentage points away from what he garnered in November 2018 (a whopping 62 percent of the vote), I expect him to keep his job with probably around 54 percent, maybe around 56 percent of the vote.

Indeed, fivethirtyeight.com’s average of recent polls has Newsom winning the September 14 do-over election with 53 percent, which I surmise is close to what the final election result will be.

Still, all that Newsom has to get is a simple majority and he keeps his job, and those who are putting their money where their mouths are at PredictIt.org right now are betting 86 cents that Newsom will keep his job — to 14 cents that he’ll lose it.

Still, fully expect the Repugnicans, a bunch of fucking zombie-sheep if ever there ever were any, to claim, way, way beyond ludicrously, that no, right-wing nut job Larry Elder actually won the recall election, despite the fact that California’s voter registration favors Democrats over Repugnicans by about two to fucking one, and despite the fact that Elder’s cray-cray political positions — such as (not in any certain order) his opposition even to any minimum wage at all, his opposition to the government making public-health rules to combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic (even though the pandemic at this point is killing mostly anti-vax wingnuts, a.k.a. the Repugnican Party’s base), his desire to turn our public schools into private profiteering centers, and his (timely…) belief that the states should be able to determine whether a not a woman has the right to choose — are wildly out of step with the political positions of the crystal-clear majority of the state’s voters.

These traitors don’t flinch about blatantly lying about “election fraud” and “stolen elections” because they’re perfectly fine with rule by the minority, which, of course, is not democracy, but which is tyranny — as we also see primarily with their continued steadfast support for former fascist “President” Pussygrabber, who lost the popular vote not once, but twice (by almost 3 million votes in 2016 and by just more than 7 million votes in 2020), yet these mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, MAGA-cap-wearing, COVID-19-vaccine-refusing fascist traitors still talk insanely about Pussygrabber’s pending “reinstatement” as “president”democracy (those 7 million more votes for Joe Biden than for Pussygrabber) be damned.

It is vital that we sane, actually patriotic Americans — you know, actually patriotic because we actually want as many eligible voters to vote as possible, and because we believe in honoring election results instead of treasonously lying pathologically about “election fraud” when we cannot win fairly and squarely at the ballot boxhold the line.

There are millions of rabid traitors out there who are perfectly fine with installing their fascist “leaders” who have only minority support, like Pussygrabber and Larry Elder — no matter how the majority of us vote.

P.S. To be sure, a huge chunk of those voting to keep Newsom in office aren’t totally in love with him, but really, really don’t want a Repugnican as governor. (This certainly has been my case.)

This political dynamic hasn’t changed, I surmise, since the 2020 presidential election, in which, I surmise, hatred for “President” Pussygrabber was stronger than was the love for Joe Biden, but nonetheless, that hatred for the unelected, fascist Pussygrabber — who always was more like a lame-ass mob boss than anything like a United States president — was enough to give Biden the win.

Similarly, I surmise that the majority of those who are voting to keep Newsom are only lukewarm on him — but nonetheless strongly prefer him to the frontrunner on the other side, Repugnican-fascist Larry Elder.

Further, while the Repugnicans of course want to pin all of California’s problems on Newsom, most of the state’s voters aren’t nearly as fucktarded as is the typical Repugnican voter, and they realize that no one individual in the nation’s most populous state is primarily responsible for the state’s problems, and that much (if not most) is out of the control of the state’s governor, whoever that is.

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