It’s long past time to declare our independence from Israel

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A pro-Palestinian protester is arrested at the University of Texas at Austin yesterday. Yes, we’re now arresting our youth in order to please corrupt, bloodthirsty Judeofascist Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, who wants complete control over the political conversation in the United States of America, even though our American tax dollars keep his fascistic nation afloat. (Since World War II, the U.S. has given more aid to Israel — hundreds of billions of dollars — than to any other nation. Our thanks from Netanyahu for keeping him and his nation afloat is his attempt to be a dictator over our nation as well as his own.)

If America’s Jews wanted to dispel the “myth” that Jews are a moneyed minority that at least wants to control the whole show (if it isn’t already controlling the whole show), their attacks on our university students who want a world in which the Judeofascists no longer are in such control aren’t helping them at all toward that goal.

To be clear, according to Gallup and the Pew Research Center, only about one in 50 Americans has some basis for identifying as Jewish. We’re talking a definite minority here.

Yet in the halls of power, 9 percent of our U.S. senators are Jewish and 6 percent of our U.S. representatives are Jewish, so Jews are significantly overrepresented, by their actual numbers, in Congress. One member of the U.S. Supreme Court is Jewish, which translates to 11 percent of our corrupt high court. (Not saying that Elena Kagan is corrupt, and I wish her many more years on the court, but she is Jewish.)

Pointing out that someone is Jewish, and how much political power Jewish Americans — or any other special-interest group — has in proportion to their actual numbers within the United States, is not, of course, “anti-semitic” (or “racist” or the like), but is just pointing out readily available facts.

Of course, knee-jerk, usually defamatory charges of “anti-semitism” are what the Judeofascists pathetically use to try to perpetuate their abuse of power. It’s terrorism — the attempt to get one’s political way via fear and intimidation — just terrorism without the shooting and bombing, such as already have killed more than 32,000 Palestinians since October 7.

(This is another blog post, but Israel’s and the Israel-firsters’ “argument” is something like this: If I shoot you with a BB gun, it’s then completely proportional for you to respond to that by blasting me with a shotgun in the face.)

I envision ideal democracy as proportionally representative, that is, that a certain group of people has proportional representation in the halls of power. If we believe in one person, one vote, then we only can endorse proportional representation, at least as an ideal, if not always an attainable ideal. Jewish Americans for many, many years now have had significantly more political power in the United States than their actual numbers call for. That’s just a fucking fact.

Then there is AIPAC, of course, the corrupt, bullying, Israel-first lobbying group that has attached itself to the American body politic like an enormous leech.

AIPAC goes well beyond just ensuring that American Jews get the representation that they deserve; for years AIPAC has endeavored to destroy political candidates who refuse to bend the knee and kiss its ring.

Like a virus diverts a healthy cell’s normal actitivies from benefiting the organism to benefitting the virus, AIPAC actively works to subvert American democracy via bribery and intimidation (the intimidation, of course, being AIPAC’s attempts to torpedo, via its big money, candidates it deems aren’t sufficient ass-kissers to the Jews and their political agenda).

The Israel-firsters are panicking now because while they have gotten away with their abuses for decades now, it looks like the tide is turning. This is why they’re attacking our university students — because they are the future.

Thing is, the terroristic casual flinging of the word “anti-semitism” largely has lost its power. I, for one, don’t give a fuck if an Israel-firster — a fucking traitor who puts another corrupt, fascist-led nation’s well-being far above that of the United States’ — calls me an “anti-semite.” I know myself and don’t need anyone else, especially a treasonous, Judeofascist asshole, to tell me what I am.

I applaud our young people for correctly identifying that we Americans have been under the thumb of the Israel-firsters for way too long. It is telling that the Israel-first traitors are attacking our young people. (Gotta nip it in the bud, no?)

It’s long past time for the United States of America to declare its independence from the Judeofascist state of Israel and to relegate Israel to the status that it deserves: just another nation in the world, another nation whose welfare certainly is not above that of the United States of America.

Again, it’s bad enough that Israel gets first dibs on the U.S. Treasury; now, Judeofascist dictator Netanyahu is trying to give us Americans, his cash cows, marching orders, which is beyond unfuckingacceptable.

P.S. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I’m an atheist, so I have no horse in the God race. Jewish, Muslim, Christian — all depend on a nonexistent Zeus-like deity and myth and superstition. So I take no sides in terms of the “God” bullshit.

There are many Jewish progressives — most notably, to me, Bernie Sanders — and I love them all, not for their Judaism, but for their intellect and for their decency and honesty, for their placing of truth and humanity above rank religious tribalism.

To assert that Israel should be the United States’ puppeteer in perpetuity because Israel is a Jewish state and therefore to oppose such anti-democratic puppetry is “anti-semitic” is to assert religious supremacism, specifically, the supposed superiority of Jews over the rest of us, which I reject with every atom of my body.

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