Daily Archives: June 27, 2024

Two old men arguing about golf (and: Gretchen Whitmer for president!)

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We’re long overdue for a younger, female (and progressive) president of the United States of America.

OK, so that wasn’t the main substance of tonight’s “debate” between President Joe Biden and former “President” Pussygrabber, but that’s the main thing about it that I remember: that they squabbled about who is better at golf, like two old men in a nursing home.

Our nation deserves so much better than these two “choices.” (Although, I suppose, perhaps one could argue that we’ve gotten exactly what we deserve for our civic neglect and dereliction of duty…)

To be sure, whereas Pussygrabber, as usual, during the debate turned on his firehose of hateful, fascist lies at full blast (he wildly demonized Latino immigrants with every other breath, very much like how Hitler demonized the Jews for his own personal political gain, and I don’t know if Pussygrabber uttered a single true sentence during the entire debate), Biden, while old age certainly has caught up with him (quickly!), was correct on the issues.

Unfortunately, perhaps especially in today’s United States of America, voters, especially the swing voters who now decide our presidential elections in just a handful of states that determine the winner of the Electoral College, often ignore substance (having to know things is hard work that never ends) and they go for optics and style.

Although Pussygrabber is a felonious pathological liar who gets an “F-” where the facts are concerned, in our largely fact-free society, he superficially looked to be the stronger, more vigorous candidate. (Who, exactly, was “juiced” for the debate?)

If Biden is still on the ballot in November I will vote for him because I live in the swing state of Nevada and because I much prefer a doddering old man who’s right on the issues over the orange wannabe dictator who has more oomph, who tells his neverending stream of dangerous lies with gusto.

Still, I’d be fine if the Democrats during their convention this summer decide to go with a younger, sharper presidential candidate. I’d support Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

I think that Whitmer would appeal to a huge swath of voters across the nation, and while I opposed Billary Cunton in 2016 not because of her biological sex but because she is a deplorable corporate whore and a despicable harpy-shrew, I think that our nation needs a woman like Whitmer at the helm.

(I’m not at all a big fan of the ultra-slick California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who I can’t see winning the White House, even if California’s national reputation weren’t as shitty as it is now.)

Finally, I’ll say that I supported Bernie Sanders for president both in 2016 and 2020, and one of the reasons that I did not support Biden in 2020 is because he struck me as too cognitively challenged due to his age then. Obviously he’d only be even older four years later and then four years after that, should he get a second term. (Sanders, while older than Biden, remains mentally sharper than Biden.)

I thought back in 2020 that the Dems were making a huge mistake by coronating Biden. After having watched all of tonight’s “debate” live, I feel vindicated on that.

It’s too bad that Team Billary (behind the scenes, I surmise) edged Biden out from running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 — only for the widely despised Billary then to lose the presidential election (after she stupidly and arrogantly decided that she didn’t need to campaign in the blue-wall states).

If it wasn’t going to be Bernie Sanders, Biden should have been the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, and then run for re-election in 2020.

Biden just became president too late, and it’s quite possible that the Democrats’ mistake of fronting Biden in 2020 — instead of in 2016 — will mean that come January 2025, “President” Pussygrabber will sit in the Oval Office once again.

P.S. Under ordinary circumstances, I would argue that the Democrats changing their presidential nominee this late in the game would be fatal in the general election, but we’re not in ordinary circumstances.

As the No. 1 concern with Biden among voters apparently is his age, I think that a younger candidate in his stead would do well in November.

Perhaps especially since abortion rights and women’s rights are a big factor in this presidential election, I think that someone like Gretchen Whitmer would do at least as well as Biden would, but probably better.

Again, I think that Billary Cunton failed in 2016 not because she’s a woman, but because she’s so unlikeable, and that’s not the case with Whitmer. (Also, of course, I think that the voters don’t want to vote for the spouse of a former president — nepotism and entitlement suck ass — but want that presidential candidate to have earned it.)

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