Tag Archives: Burn a Koran Day

This is all I’m going to say about 9/11

The unelected Bush regime beat the nation over the head with 9/11 for many years, so sue me if I long have been 9/11’d out.

As nightmarish as it was to have had to experience the reign of BushCheneyCorp after the stupid, fat and lazy American public just allowed the right-wing thieves (redundant…) to steal the White House in late 200o, the traitors who comprised the Bush regime were, in their own sick, twisted and treasonous way, brilliant. I mean, they took a spectacularly tragic event that they’d been warned about but did not prevent — and used it for political gain.   

It was only until the mid-term elections of 2006 that the Repugnicans no longer could wave the bloody shirt of 9/11 for political gain.

What have we Americans learned since Sept. 11, 2001?

Absofuckinglutely nothing.

We were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, because we wantonly had slaughtered Muslims, or allowed them to be slaughtered or allowed or caused them to die, in the Middle East. In fact, the main reasons given by 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden himself (and other members of al-Qaeda) for 9/11 were: the U.S.-led sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s, which resulted in the deaths of untold numbers of Iraqi civilians, including children; the presence of the U.S. military in Saudi Arabia after the first George Bush war on Iraq; and the U.S. government’s blind, slavish support of Israel.

So: What has changed since then?

Well, let’s see: The U.S. killed even more innocent Iraqi civilians in George W. Bush’s Vietraq War for Big Oil and for the war profiteering of the war profiteers, such as Dick Cheney’s Halliburton; the U.S. military moved its main base in the Middle East from Saudi Arabia to Iraq, which, to my understanding, still violates the fundamentalist Islamist belief that no infidel should be allowed to occupy Muslim land; and the U.S. government still licks the ass of Israel, which can do no wrong and which enjoys the blind, slavish support of both parties in the duopolistic dog and pony show that we call “democracy.”

While I’m not asserting that when Osama bin Laden shouts “Jump!” Americans should ask “How high?”, it seems clear to me that Americans are hated around the world because they just allow their government and their military (which are only in the service of the corporatocrats and the plutocrats) to shit and piss upon the poorer, weaker peoples all around the globe — yet these same Americans fully expect to be adored around the world just the same.

Why do they hate us?

They hate us because we’re stupid.

They hate us because we’re xenophobic — we don’t even bother to try to learn about other cultures, but we function from the stubborn but incorrect belief that other cultures have just failed at being us. We just assume that they want to be just like us (they don’t) but that they just can’t pull it off because they don’t have what it takes.

They hate us because we’re hypocrites. (To give just one of many examples, the U.S. government maintains that Israel may have nukes but that Iran may not. And for the only nation ever to have nuked another nation to be dictating who does and who does not get to have nukes — because you just can’t allow one nation to nuke another nation —  is pretty fucking insanely hypocritical.)

They hate us because we have no empathy whatsofuckingever. We use the occasion of the anniversary of 9/11 to wallow mawkishly in our own national pity party about the 3,000 or so Americans who were killed on Sept. 11, 2001, while we don’t say a word about the tens of thousands of civilians whom we allowed our government to kill or cause to die in Iraq using 9/11 as a pretext. We talk only about American losses because we consider only Americans to be fully human. Yes, they hate us because we don’t consider them to be fully human.

They hate us because we’re greedy, fat and lazy — and that we use violence around the globe to support our ability to be fat and lazy.

They hate us because we’re destroying the very planet, such as with global warming.

They hate us because we are, in a word, Rome, which I surmise also was rather hated throughout the world.

We fat, lazy and stupid Americans should remember: Rome fell.

Happy International Burn a Koran Day.

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Americans are fucking STUPID

Terry Jones

Terry Jones

A candidate for a Darwin Award is pictured above in Gainesville, Florida. (The dipshit already has been burned in effigy in Afghanistan, pictured below.) “Muslims consider the Koran to be the word of God and insist [that] it be treated with the utmost respect, along with any printed material containing its verses or the name of Allah or the Prophet Mohammed,” explains The Associated Press, adding, “Any intentional damage or show of disrespect to the Koran is deeply offensive.”

Afghans burn an effigy of Dove World Outreach ...

Afghans burn an effigy of Dove World Outreach ...

Associated Press photos

Chapter 9 of Rick Shenkman’s Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth About the American Voter is titled, “We Can’t Even Talk About How Stupid We Are.”

He notes that the powers that be, including the mainstream media and even so-called progressive politicians, very rarely come out and say it: A huge chunk of Americans are just plain fucking stupid. They should donate their organs now to those who could make better use of them. It would be doing the gene pool a favor.

I’ll say it. Gladly. Which is why, despite my journalism degree, I couldn’t make it in the corporately owned and controlled world of what passes for journalism here in the United States of Amnesia, where the corporately owned and controlled media only dish out to the mediated pigs what comforting slop the pigs want to consume at the mediated trough. (Fuck, I was even censored by the “progressive” AlterNet when I blogged there until my more controversial posts kept disappearing in what I was told were just “glitches.”)

We have the individual garden-variety American dipshits, like “Christo”fascist Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, the leader of a small Pentecostal church who intends to hold “International Burn a Koran Day” on Saturday, the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

How “international” this “event” actually is I am not sure. My guess is that maybe he found some other dipshit in some other country to burn a Koran, and thus it’s “international.” You know, like the “international” support for the Vietraq War, the “coalition of the willing,” which, if memory serves, consisted of the United States, Britain and some island somewhere.

I wholeheartedly support Terry Jones’ First Amendment right to burn the Koran.

Kind of.

I remember learning in media law that one’s First Amendment rights end where others’ safety begins. Gen. David Petraeus, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley and Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs are among the U.S. government officials who have voiced their opposition to (or at least their concern about) “International Burn a Koran Day,” citing possible if not likely endangerment to U.S. troops and American civilians by inflaming the Muslim world by burning copies of the Muslims’ sacred book.

While I’m not sure if what could happen is enough to limit someone’s free-speech rights, um, yeah, sponsoring a “Burn a Koran Day” surely opens up Americans to retaliation by the, um, more enthusiastic Islamists, methinks.

What I was kind of hoping is that Terry Jones, who sorely should be removed from the gene pool for having pissed and shit in it and who should then star in an edition of the Darwin Awards, would be the only victim of any jihadist retribution for Koran burning, but my understanding is that many if not most jihadists don’t really discriminate when it comes to retribution.

I seem to recall that Osama bin Laden himself said that al-Qaeda makes no such distiction, that when it comes to retribution for wrongs done unto the Muslim world by an American or Americans (or even by someone who is supported by the United States, such as an Israeli), any old killed American will do.

Aside from the consideration of how Jones’ wingnuttery and dipshittery probably is putting others at risk, I don’t know exactly what a Koran burning, “international” or otherwise, would accomplish. Jones already has gotten plenty of free advertising for his Podunk, backasswards church (which might have been his main objective in the first place). While burning the Koran might make Jones and his ilk feel better about their miserable selves, it’s not like the Muslim world is going to change anything because some “Christo”fascist mouth-breathers burned a bunch of Korans.

But you gotta love the name of Jones’ church: “Dove World Outreach Center.” Dove. The symbol for peace. Um, yeah….

Then there is mass dipshittery.

The political story of today is that polls show that Americans seem poised to put the Repugnicans back in charge of the U.S. House of Representatives. (Here’s The Associated Press’ take on this and here’s Politico’s.)

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out: The voters of the United States of Amnesia are fucking stupid. To them, George W. Bush wasn’t still “president” less than two full years ago; to them, he belongs to ancient American history already.

There’s no way in hell, even if he had owned his power and had spent his political capital like he should have, that Barack Obama could have turned around the severe damage done to the nation by George W. Bush, who inherited a record federal budget surplus from Bill Clinton when he took office and who left office with a record federal budget deficit with his bogus Vietraq War and his tax cuts for the rich (Google it), in less than two full years.

But Americans are fucking stupid. And they’re impatient and they are, as Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson recently wrote, “spoiled brats.”

Robinson echoes Shenkman when he writes in his column, “In the punditry business, it’s considered bad form to question the essential wisdom of the American people. But at this point, it’s impossible to ignore the obvious: The American people are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats.”

But that’s as close to calling Americans stupid as Robinson gets in discussing the current schizophrenic state of the American electorate, proving Shenkman’s point that no one dares to call Americans stupid. (“Spoiled” is not the same as “stupid.”)

As Shenkman points out, those of the left and center-left usually go so far only as to assert that the voters are just duped by the lying Repugnicans, and while it’s true that the Repugnicans are fucking liars, it’s a major fucking problem that it’s as easy as it is for the Repugnicans to dupe so many fucking Americans.

Americans need to own up to their stupidity, it seems to me. Although the definition of stupidity might encompass the inability to even recognize one’s own stupidity, there’s nothing stopping those of us Americans who aren’t stupid from calling other Americans out on their stupidity — such as these stupid Americans’ perfect willingness to vote for politicians of the same party that just thoroughly trashed the nation less than two full fucking years ago.

These Americans who believe that the only way to reverse the damage caused by the unelected BushCheneyCorp is to do more of what the BushCheneyCorp did with even more vigor aren’t just duped spoiled brats. They’re abject fucktards. And those of us who are true patriots need to call them that, because if we accommodate their dipshittery even more than we already have, we will only hasten our nation’s demise.

So what if we are accused of believing that we are intellectually superior? The fact of the matter is that some people are intellectually superior to others, and it’s the intellectually superior Americans, not the dipshits, who should be running the show — especially because it’s too taboo to call a dipshit a dipshit.

(Americans aren’t just fucking stupid, I should add; they’re fucking lazy, too. While they’re still protesting in France over the right-wing president’s plan to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 [sixty-two], would-be Repugnican Speaker of the House John Boehner’s [shudder] plan to raise the Social Security eligibility age to 70 [seventy] isn’t nearly enough to get zombified Americans off of their comfy sofas.)


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