Pussygrabber (probably) lost the 2024 presidential election yesterday

Bloomberg news photo

Former “President” Pussygrabber, shown in criminal court in New York City earlier this month, keeps on making history. In 2016 he was one of the few “presidents” who “won” the White House without having won the popular vote,* in 2020 and 2021 he was the first “president” to treasonously try to remain in office even after he’d lost re-election, and now, as of yesterday, he is the first former “president” to have become a convicted felon.

The mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, chromosomally abnormal supporters of former “President” Pussygrabber won’t care, when it comes time to vote in November, that their man-child god is now a convicted felon.

But that probably won’t matter, since it’s the swing voters who decide presidential elections, not Pussygrabber’s cultists (or the Democratic Party hacks, either, to be fair).

Even before now, Pussygrabber hasn’t done great with the general-election electorate. In 2016 he won only 46.1 percent of the popular vote, and in 2020, he won only 46.8 percent of the popular vote.

Clearly, he has had a ceiling of support among actual general-presidential-election voters. But now, he’s a convicted felon.

That Pussygrabber now is a convicted felon will matter to many (if not most) swing voters, voters who probably aren’t huge on Joe Biden but who really don’t want to vote for a convicted felon for president.

Even if many of these swing voters end up not voting at all, out of disgust for their (our) “choices” for president in November, if more of them would have voted for Pussygrabber than for Biden, that’s a net gain for Biden.

Fivethirtyeight’s average of the national polling right now shows 41.1 percent support for Pussygrabber, 39.5 percent for Biden, and 9.8 percent for RFK Jr.

RFK Jr. won’t win a single state and thus won’t win a single electoral vote — Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election garnered an impressive-for-a-third-party-presidential-candidate 18.9 percent of the popular vote (about double of what RFK Jr.’s support is right now) but he didn’t win a single state or a single electoral vote — and while some ultimately will cast their votes for RFK Jr., knowing, or at least having should known, that he cannot win, many will want to back the eventual winner, and my hunch is that most of those will vote for Biden — who at least is not a convicted criminal.

Further, Pussygrabber pulling only 41.1 percent in nationwide polling while in 2020 he garnered 46.8 percent of the popular vote indicates that he’s lost a good chunk of support already. (Anecdotally, the No. 1 reason that I’ve seen former Pussygrabber voters state that they will not vote for him this November is what happened on January 6, 2021.)

Democrats have been criticized, perhaps rightfully so, for positing that when push comes to shove, in the end, voters who are holding out on Biden today (again, per Fivethirtyeight, Biden’s support right now is only 39.5 percent) ultimately will cast their votes for him.

While this assertion can’t be proven, it strikes me as the most likely possibility when you break it down into its basics: Very most likely only either Biden or Pussygrabber will win the presidential election, and so if you want to vote for a candidate who actually can win, your “choice” will be between a doddering centrist who only nibbles around the edges of our nation’s largest problems (as the so-called Democratic presidents have been doing since at least Bill Clinton) or a convicted felon who treasonously tried to steal the 2020 presidential election while pathologically lying that that election had been stolen from him.

An interesting development in the 2024 presidential race to me is the recent win of 38-year-old out gay man Chase Oliver as the Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate.

I didn’t know that the Libertarians, whom I’ve always perceived as right-leaning, were even capable of nominating an out gay man as their presidential candidate, and I wonder how much of the youth vote Oliver might ultimately win. The Libertarian Party, the third-largest political party in the United States, is on more states’ ballots than is any other third party.

“Libertarians strongly oppose any government interference in your personal, family, and business decisions,” the party declares on its home page, adding, “Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.”

That doesn’t sound too bad, except that to my knowledge, the Libertarian Party doesn’t have the greatest track record in actually even just talking about reining in business interests — even when these business interests obviously and blatantly do harm to the rest of us.

While I’m big on staying out of Americans’ personal lives (the privacy rights to contraception, abortion, sexual activity among consenting adults, viewing porn, using cannabis, etc. must not be curtailed), I’m not big on staying out of what businesses and corporations do to all of us and to the planet.

Without business regulations — when profits are king — the rest of us are all peasants, and the planet will die even more quickly than it already is.

I digress, but I’ll say that Chase Oliver appeals to me a bit:

(Photo Shop job by my gracious and accommodating brother…)

It rankles me to no end that our “choices” of president this year are an 81-year-old status-quo-loving incumbent and an almost-78-year-old convicted felon (and even nutcase RFK Jr. is a spry 70 years old).

I, as do millions of other Americans, I surmise, finally want the fuck out from under the thumbs of the baby boomers and the cryptkeepers (those who are older than the baby boomers who don’t have the decency to fucking die already).

I think that millions of voters are starving for a younger president, and Oliver might do better than anyone realizes right now (as long as the homophobic vote doesn’t do him in, perhaps especially among his fellow Libertarians).

As of today, as I live in the swing state of Nevada, in November (October, actually, since I vote early, by mail) I most likely ultimately will hold my nose and vote for Joe Biden — for whom I did not vote in 2020** — because the nation can’t afford to have Pussygrabber the traitor and convicted felon back in the Oval Office.

If Pussygrabber manages to eke out a win in November, such as by losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral College again, as he did in 2016, I think that we true Americans would win another civil war against the fascists, if it came to that, but we probably can avoid a lot of national ugliness by returning Biden to the Oval Office.

Still, though, I haven’t completely ruled out voting for Oliver as a protest vote if Biden is doing better in the polls of Nevada than he’s expected to, come October.

It’s long past time to hand the reins to younger people. My generation (Generation X) has been held down by the boomers and the cryptkeepers our entire fucking lives, and it’s long past time for that bullshit to end.

If we allow Biden another term — primarily to avoid a Pussygrabber-led fascist dictatorship — we must ensure that in 2028, we elect a significantly younger president.***

We need to move the nation forward.

*To me, “presidents” who lost the popular vote, as did both George W. Bush in 2000 and Pussygrabber in 2016, never were legitimate presidents in the first fucking place, because the American people voted, and the candidate who got fewer votes actually took office, which never should happen in an actual democracy. The Electoral College must be abolished.

**For the 2020 presidential election I lived in California and voted for the Green Party candidate for president, knowing that Joe Biden would win California and all of its electoral votes whether I had even fucking voted or not, so my vote for the Green Party candidate in the 2020 presidential election did not help Pussygrabber in the slightest.

Sadly, many if not most Americans have no fucking idea that the anti-democratic (and anti-Democratic) Electoral College, not the popular vote, determines the presidency, and so it’s common to hear the ignorant assertion that if you didn’t vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, you only helped the Repugnican presidential candidate. Only in a swing state (such as Nevada) might that actually be the case.

But, of course, ulitimately, your vote is your vote — it is yours to “waste” if you so choose.

***No, don’t be thinking of supporting slick weasel Gavin Newsom for president in 2028. Not only can he probably not win the presidency, given how shittily California is doing right now, replete with a multi-billion-dollar state budget deficit, rampant homelessness, crime, urban blight, nauseating “woke” bullshit, etc., but I think that his slippery personality and brand of politics will turn off the swing voters, whose votes you must win these days if you want to be president.

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